What you do?

Very much likely the hardest cases come to us: A pile of problems in a mouth cavity for years. Multiple missing teeth. Rejected orthodontic treatments despite having high degree crooked teeth. Full of fear. That's the opening scene of our movie. 

Background story?

Financial impossibilities? Probable, but pretty much: 'Dentophobia' is the major explanation behind a catastrophic mouth. They fear. You fear. We know. That's why our motto is 'Easier than you think'. Dr. Bilgili is mighty on local anesthesia. His 'Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block' success rate is almost 100%, he always begins working with the bottom jaw and guarantees you a breeze first main session at his dental chair (lol 90% of the total job is done).
Our specialty in dentistry focuses on prosthetic treatments, dental implants and endodontics (root canal treatments). Experience of the surgeon we hire is doing more than a thousand dental implant and is doing more than a hundred Maxillary Sinus Lifting Operation. Predominantly our team is focused on full mouth restorations and smile makeover, so to speak.
End credits of our film is pretty different: Happy tears, hugging the doctors warmly. We even received feedbacks from some of our patients that they finally got married after a self-confident new smile. We really really touch lives. 
Bilgili Dentistry Bilgili Dentistry Bilgili Dentistry